NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Civics Social Science Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity.

NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Civics Social Science Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity.

Q1:  Why India is called a secular state?
India is called a secular state because People of different religions and faiths have freedom to practice and follow their religion.

Q2: Define Diversity ?
Diversity means "variety" and "being different". It is a product of different geography, culture and history. 

Q3: What does diversity add to our lives?
Diversity adds a lot of things in human lives.  For example. Diversity in the form of art and literature, clothes, food, festivals and languages etc.

Q4: Explain the main cause of diversity in India ?


1.    The migration of people is the main cause of diversity.
2.  People migrated in search of jobs, for new lands or for trade relation Few people migrated because of the natural calamities like, drought and famine.
3.   War was also one of the important causes for the people to migrate to a place where they could live happily.

Q5: Define the term 'Backwaters' ?
The lakes, canals, inlets and rivers in Kerala are interconnected waterways that form the backwaters in Kerala

Q6: Write any two festivals celebrated by the Muslims of India?
The two important festivals that are celebrated in India by the Muslims are:
1. Muharram
2. Id-ul- Fiter:
 It is celebrated at the end of the month Ramadan (Ramjan).
It is an occasion of feasting and rejoicing

Q7: State three differences between the people of Ladakh and Kerala ?

    Kerala is a state

      It is surrounded by the sea on one side

     People practise region such as Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism

    It is located in the southernpart of India
Ladakh is a 
     region administered

    It is a cold place surrounded with mountains

    People practise Buddhism and Islam

     It is located in the northern part of India

Q1: What is the significance of the colour and chakra of Indian National Flag?
The saffron colour indicates the strength and courage of the country.
. The white in the centre marks the path of truth to guide our conduct. The green shows our relation to soil, to the plant life here on which all other life depends. The Ashoka wheel in the centre is the wheel of law of dharma.

Q2: Write short notes on Jallianwalla Bagh massacre.
The British Army officer Dyer had commanded his troops to enter into the Jallianwalla Bagh on Baisakhi Day (April 13) and opened fire without a warning to the unarmed protestors, who were demanding an end to British rule in India. Dyer's troops fired and killed hundreds and stopped only when they ran out of ammunition. The Bagh, enclosed from all four sides with buildings, had only one main entrance that was blocked by Dyer's troops. Other smaller gates were locked and people fleeing from the firing were shot. Many of them jumped to their death in a well inside the garden.

Q3: What does Nehru tried to explain about India's unity in his book ''The Discovery of India?''
Nehru said that India's unity is not something imposed from outside but that it is something deeper and within its fold, the widest tolerance of belief and custom is practiced and every variety acknowledged and even encouraged.

Q4: Explain the theme of the book the “Discovery of India”?
The book gives a complete view of Indian history, philosophy and culture. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru studied the history of India starting from the Indus civilisation to Aryans invasion and then to the British rule. The effect of these people on Indian culture and their incorporation to Indian society was examined in the book.

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